Premarital Counseling

Wedding bells are about to ring!

Congratulations, you said yes, you have the date set, and the honeymoon planned! All preparations for the ceremony and reception are in place.

Have you prepared for beyond the wedding? Many couples often fail to consider this question, but preparing for a life together requires forethought and conversation – that will help offset potential problems later.

The truth is that marriage is bliss, but maintaining a healthy marriage requires lots of work.

Adjustments are required – from naming your new pet, cohabitating in the same space, planning for a family, and dealing with in-laws.

Premarital counseling can help make your love last – forever.

In premarital counseling, we cover various topics with couples over eight sessions. These topics focus on relationship issues.

Session 1: Marriage Expectations

Session 2: Explore your Personality Types:  What makes you “you”

Session 3: Stop history in its Tracks (exploring trauma)

Session 4: Communication

Session 5: Finances

Session 6: Handling Conflict

Session 7: Divorce-Proof Your Marriage

Session 8: Marriage Contract

Start planning beyond the wedding bells.

Don’t get me wrong, because these eight sessions will require work. Each week, you will receive homework – some for each individual and some for you as a couple.

There will be disagreements, and some conversations are likely to be challenging. Nevertheless, you also will learn ways to defuse problems before they become overwhelming.

You will leave this eight-week course prepared to make your love last forever. Schedule your 15-minute consultation today!