You Feel Disconnected from Your Partner

Repair Your Marriage and
Reconnect with Couples Therapy

Online Couples Therapy throughout Missouri

You’ve begun dreading going home.

As soon as you walk in the front door, your husband is already annoyed and spoiling for a fight.

He’s got his hands full with the kids and doesn’t understand why, “You’re working so late these days.”

You can’t tell your husband you’ve been driving around to avoid coming home.

Evenings are spent silently watching television. You’re in the same room but miles away from each other.

A chasm has grown between you.

After a heated fight last month, he decided to stay in the guest room. Now, that’s where he sleeps.

But there’s still love between you. You miss being physically intimate and desired by him.

Even more than that, you miss the tenderness you once shared.

The longer you ignore these issues, the worse they’ll get. But avoidance seems all you can do.

Couples therapy stops the cycle of disconnection.

In our sessions, you’ll learn to identify the unconscious relationship patterns that keep you stuck.

Therapy with me offers a safe container where you can reframe your relationship and gain new perspectives.

You’ll learn simple and effective solution-focused tools that allow you to implement practical solutions and make constructive changes in your relationship.

Gain the communication skills to express and receive love in ways that resonate with each of you.

The love of your dreams is closer than you think.

Learn to communicate again with honesty, compassion, and openness.

Couples therapy equips you to understand the wants beneath your communication.

This allows for increased empathy and growing trust between you.

Strengthen your emotional bond and rekindle the intimacy that’s been missing.

Reignite the passion you once shared and use it to build a foundation for a thriving relationship.

Don’t avoid the issues any longer.

Unfortunately, relationship issues tend to get worse if left untreated.

Find the professional support, guidance, and encouragement you and your partner deserve.

Take the first step toward the lasting relationship of your dreams.

Call (573) 469-2433 now for your free consultation, and let’s get started today!

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