Family Therapy

Lack of communication can tear a family apart.

In many families today, the intrusiveness of the outside world through social media and the Internet wreaks havoc on daily living. FaceTime with your teen has become nothing more than an app.

Are you calling and texting with your spouse or children to communicate because your hectic schedules have you running in opposite directions?

Happiness feels like an illusion that ebbs and flows with the changing of the moon. Teenage stress, bitterness, anger, and outbursts overflow into parent-child conflict. Parents take sides, children look for allies, and everyone is angry with everyone else.

Peace feels like a thing of the past. Life becomes exhausting, monotonous, repetitive, and a chore.

Family therapy helps bring families together.

Here’s the good news. As family therapists, we help families stop seeing each other as objects and learn to live with a heart of peace.

Your child can learn that you are not the enemy, and your spouse can begin to understand your teen. We can help you reduce conflict and start having meaningful conversations.

Working together, you can learn ways to set boundaries and approach problems with an appreciation of different points of view.

The best news is that a trusting, loving, empathetic relationship with your family is possible.

Are you ready to build resilience in your child?

We will focus on combining the following 7 Cs outlined by the American Academy of Pediatrics (2014):

  • Competence
  • Confidence
  • Connection
  • Control
  • Character
  • Contribution
  • Coping

By following these 7 Cs, your child will gain resilience. They will learn to deal with stressful situations, gain trust in their ability to deal with challenges, and have a better connection with their parents, allowing them to be more open about their feelings.

Your child will gain the knowledge required to respect others, feel they can contribute to their family, learn to cope with stressful situations, and feel more in control of their emotions and actions..

Take over the reins of your family to foster closer relationships.

Trust-Based Relational Intervention helps families develop a supportive, loving connection in their home through verbal and non-verbal cues..

Are you ready to get started today? If so, please get in touch with us today.