Couples Therapy

What do you want your relationship to look like?

Your answer might be, “We would like to find the overlap in our orbit?”

Many couples have experienced “solar” times when their lives run precisely parallel with their partner. While going in the same direction, their paths never cross, continuing a repetitive cycle of events.

Sometimes, couples may feel pulled in opposite directions and not be on the same page. The issues may relate to the demands of your job, differences of opinion about raising children, inability to get on the same page when expressing your opinion, or a lack of attentiveness by both partners.

Couples often discuss wanting to rekindle the feeling of connectivity, trust, communication, and unidirectional flow but feel stuck. Couples therapy provides a great way to get unstuck and move together as you navigate your lives.

When should you seek couples therapy?

Healthy relationships require maintenance. Therefore, the best time to seek couples therapy is before the wheels come off. Seeking advice and guidance from an unbiased party allows couples to check in and have reasoned conversations about issues they both face.

Couples also face challenges that can tear apart a relationship. These challenges can involve different perspectives about sex, constant criticism, lack of interest, and various negative interactions.

Open communication is not always accessible, and a lack of meaningful conversation about important issues can worsen matters.

So, to answer the question I asked in the beginning. The best time to seek couples therapy is when various issues are minor. When those issues get too big, a relationship can come apart.

Overlap your orbits with couples therapy.

When I work with couples, I want to create a safe space that allows partners to have a calm conversation free from accusations and disrespect. We will focus on the issues that keep you in different orbits and find ways to address the specific problems you may face. Once we identify the problem, we will establish some approaches to help find a resolution.

While using evidenced-based approaches, couples will identify and communicate feelings, understand the importance of the Five Love Languages (affirmation, quality time, touch, service, and gifts), and identify unhealthy behavioral patterns. This knowledge will help you stop the daily fights, pain, hurt, and avoidance that define your marriage. Regain that sense of unity, peace, and love – daring to hope for a brighter future.

Our work builds trust and transparency in the relationship, eventually becoming unconditional love – continually evolving.

In this space, we will focus on what you want to do right and create it!