About Grace Behavioral Health

Our Purpose is Your happiness; You are our Why!

We are so glad you have taken this step to regain control of your life by embarking on this new journey.

If you are reading this, our hearts go out to you. You are on a path you didn’t see coming at the beginning of the relationship. This road of heartache, pain, conflict, and lack of trust for the person you love the most in the entire world is gut-wrenching. The pain is familiar; we want you to know you are not alone.

It can be difficult to admit there is a problem and become an agent of change, but be assured you are in the right place. Together, we will focus 80% of our time on helping things go right while spending the other 20% on a solution-focused approach to correct the things that are going wrong.

This proactive method of relationship building makes couples therapy engaging and enjoyable. Couples report looking forward to the sessions and going away feeling empowered and hopeful.

We focus on seeing people as individuals.

People come to therapy for a variety of reasons. You might be the couple looking to make love last. That is great!

You may be the couple who currently feels the need for a fair and equitable split, and we realize that not all relationships can survive.

You may be the person looking to find yourself or a fresh start.

We identify that every person is an individual, even in couples therapy. Yes! You did read that correctly. Every person matters, so we focus on assertiveness and developing the win/win scenario.

When working with our couples, we are not symptom focused. Instead, we work to identify and address the core issue.

There are No Surprises!

Getting a surprise at a party is one thing; being surprised when taking the step to attend therapy would certainly be unpleasant.

Couples therapy with us is quite the opposite. Our philosophy is that couples counseling should be enjoyable. You should feel a seed of hope that reflects meeting your wants, needs, and values.

We explore with each couple their dreams and desires. When it comes to this party, it is all about you and your partner.

Together, we will create a plan of action detailing the goal and then make action steps to reach that goal.

Here’s the Good News!

After working in an office setting, the opportunity to receive telehealth provides freedom for our clients and our clinicians.

Virtual sessions are a superpower that allows you, the hero, to leap into the session immediately from anywhere you have Internet and privacy.

Embracing the opportunity to engage in couples therapy via telehealth diffuses the stress of leaving the office. Most couples take a break, join the session, and return to work without interrupting the day.

Our work has positive ripple effects.

We love the work we do – enriching others’ lives. The reach of relationships like a ripple in a pond grows wider, touching our inner circle of family, friends, neighbors, neighborhood, and the workplace.

The larger the ripple, the more critical our work becomes. Life becomes consuming via the constant tug of social media, instant access via text, phone, and email. Our changing world complicates building a solid relationship, especially as we keep our faces on screens and talk with emojis rather than each other.

Our clients relate to becoming anxious when they don’t receive timely answers to their texts and doubt themselves. As a result, the relationship can quickly spiral into a conflict the partner walks unknowingly into because the phone isn’t working.

Parents fighting in front of children leads to children having a bad day or week at school, causing anxiety and making children wonder if they will join the statistic of children with divorced parents.

For several years, focusing on healing trauma in couples and families has been our mission.

Healing couples heals families,
heals our neighborhoods,
heals our world.