Give Your Relationship a Measure of Grace

Therapy to empower couples in every step of the relationship

Providing Telehealth in Missouri and Texas

Jack and Diane

Jack jumped out of bed and dressed quickly, hoping to avoid Diane before he left for work. She constantly nags him; it never seems enough no matter how hard Jack tries. He’s beginning to feel trapped, wondering if he’s made a big mistake.

Diane woke up feeling hopeless, wondering what today’s argument would be about. She quietly cries to herself as she hears Jack leaving – no kiss goodbye or acknowledgment of all the sacrifices she’s made or the dreams she put on hold for him. Jack is always gone; work is his mistress, and trying to talk about it only leads to more arguments.

Jack and Diane are struggling to see a future together, and something needs to change.


Emma walked out of the courthouse feeling numb and lost. How could the last 14 years of her life have ended like this?

She remembers the day she discovered her husband’s affair; she’d been walking down 5th Avenue like any other day when her life fell apart before her eyes. There he was with a woman she didn’t know, smiling, stroking her hair, laughing, and cuddling closely on the patio of a bistro.

Emma is alone, the house is gone, the kids are divided, and the money has been spent on attorneys. She believes life can never be happy again.

Joel and Linda

After 21 years of marriage, Joel and Linda still love each other, but lately have begun to question if they are “in love” with each other.

When their last child moved out of the home, it felt like their relationship moved out, too. The days keep passing uneventfully; Joel has his work to focus on, but Linda feels empty. Her life was entirely wrapped up in the kids, and now that they’re gone, she doesn’t know what to do with herself.

Joel wonders if Linda really notices him; she still cooks dinner, and the house is always in order, but it feels like living with a roommate. Joel misses their sexual intimacy, going places, and doing things together. Each day follows the same routine and ends with them sitting in front of the TV without exchanging a word and wondering, “What if this is as good as it gets?”

You have the power to choose your direction.

Relationship difficulties lead to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, insecurity, and discontentment.

The good news is that you can make your love last forever, restore your feelings of independence, increase self-worth, and regain control of your life.

Through therapy, you will learn the five signs of a healthy relationship, develop stronger communication skills, and recognize how love is communicated through words and actions.

*Names and stories are composite narratives and do not reflect actual clients.

Are you ready to set sail on
this new journey?

Call us now, and let’s get started!

Welcome to Grace Behavioral Health.

We are so glad you have taken this step to regain control of your life by embarking on this new journey.

It can be difficult to admit there is a problem and become an agent of change, but you are in the right place.

Together, we will focus 80% of our time on helping things go right while spending the other 20% on a solution-focused approach to correct the things that are going wrong.

This proactive method of relationship building makes couples therapy engaging and enjoyable. Couples report looking forward to the sessions and going away feeling empowered and hopeful.

Couples Counseling

Jack and Diane

Diane reached out to Grace Behavioral Health, assuming her marriage was over. The “D” word, divorce, had been thrown around a few times during the past several arguments.

Jack agreed to try couples therapy, not expecting many results.

Jack and Diane agreed on one thing that changed the course of their marriage: “They were not willing to quit.” Working with our therapists, Jack and Diane learned conflict resolution, how to develop a win/win, and identify aggressive and passive behaviors.

Jack and Diane completed therapy willing to continue to build their relationship using the tools developed during their counseling.

Emma entered therapy depressed, confused, hurt, angry, and embarrassed. She never thought she would be divorced.

After working with our therapist, Emma’s self-worth exploded. Emma’s confidence and independence became firmly established. She started her own business, built a new house, purchased a new car, and completed her education, earning bachelor’s and master’s degrees. After her divorce, Emma blossomed into the person she was meant to be.

Post-Divorce Counseling


Marriage Boredom

Joel and Linda

Joel and Linda seemed stuck in a rut. Our therapist worked to help them write the next chapter of their lives. Joel wanted to finish at the top of the corporate ladder; Linda wanted to travel.

Using Solution-Focused Therapy, our therapists identified that Joel could take a job that included more travel, and Linda could occasionally travel with him. Other times, Linda might travel to see the kids or her parents.

Joel and Linda agreed to spice up their lives and marriage, take a few small risks, and enjoy being empty nesters.

What We Offer

Couples Icon




Divorce Recovery


Blended Family

Find the grace to thrive in
your relationships.

We helped the clients above find healing and connection through our work
together, and we can do the same for you.

Get in touch now, and let’s take the next step on this healing journey together.